
2006 10 27 14 45 54 706

Image-processing firm Eigen of Grass Valley, CA, will showcase two new software products, the Eigen Tamarack w/DSA and Eigen Digital Fluoro Loop for Radiology (DFL-R/F).

Tamarack features DICOM image capture, conversion, review, and archival with integrated digital subtraction angiography (DSA) functionality.

2006 10 27 14 46 22 706Eigen Digital Fluoro Loop for radiography/fluoroscopy (R/F) features fluoro looping and image capture from DICOM or non-DICOM R/F systems, conversion, review, and automatic archiving. Its technical specifications include an ability to capture, convert, and immediately play back fluoro loops obtained from barium swallows, phonation studies, and esophograms.

By Robert Bruce
AuntMinnie.com contributing writer
October 30, 2006

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