Varian Medical Systems

Varian Medical Systems of Palo Alto, CA, will showcase new and updated offerings in its PaxScan line of flat-panel digital detectors, as well as the company's cancer treatment technologies, at the RSNA meeting this year.

The new PaxScan 2520V replaces the PaxScan 2520 for the cardiac and conventional C-arm market. The new panel eliminates the command processor and replaces it with virtual software, and delivers 14-bit grayscale contrast resolution thanks to the integration of new ASIC chip technology.

The new PaxScan 1313 detector, first announced in July 2006, can replace the 6-inch image intensifiers currently used in many mini C-arm orthopedic and dental imaging systems. Designed for low-cost, high-quality imaging, the panel offers a 13 x 13-cm imaging area, and can produce up to 30 images per second. The panel's 127-micron pixel pitch results in a high signal-to-noise ratio, according to the company. The panel features a cesium iodide (CsI) scintillator for scanning at 80-90 kilovolts (kV).

By Robert Bruce contributing writer
October 30, 2006

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