Agfa wins Indiana install

Agfa HealthCare of Greenville, SC, has won an installation of one of its computed radiography (CR) systems at an Indiana hospital, the company said.

Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis has purchased a DX-S system for its neonatal intensive care unit, which will allow for portable x-rays to be performed without leaving the patient area.

DX-S uses the company's DirectriX needle-based detector and its Scanhead line-to-line CR simulation and light collection technology. The DX-S system at Riley Hospital also will include Agfa HealthCare's automated digital radiography image processing software, Musica2 Platinum, which is designed to enhance pediatric image processing.

Related Reading

Road to RSNA, PACS, Agfa HealthCare, October 23, 2008

Road to RSNA, Digital X-Ray, Agfa HealthCare, October 22, 2008

Agfa awarded Florida PACS deal, October 20, 2008

Agfa integrates peerVue software, September 29, 2008

Agfa denies rumors of healthcare business group sale, September 9, 2008

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