CTI gets 510(k) for neuro tool

PET developer CTI Molecular Imaging said that its subsidiary, CTI Mirada Solutions, has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration 510(k) clearance to market Scenium, a quantification application for the analysis of neurological PET scans.

The display and analysis software is designed to aid clinicians in the assessment and quantification of dementia and other neurological diseases. Initially developed for use in PET studies with FDG, Scenium has the potential to be used with other PET molecular imaging agents in the future, CTI said.

The software is organized as a series of workflows, each specific to a particular radiopharmaceutical and disease combination. Scenium enables clinicians to compare patient brain scans to standard normal scans, with multiple anatomical regions highlighted for uptake assessment and quantitative comparison with other images.

The software will be available as a plug-in to a variety of viewing workstations and standard PCs, and will be distributed by CTI PETNet, as well as Mirada's OEM/PACS partners, according to the company.

By AuntMinnie.com staff writers
January 18, 2005

Related Reading

Revenue, income up for CTI in Q4, November 16, 2004

PET firm CTI acquires ImTek, November 9, 2004

Road to RSNA: CTI Molecular Imaging, November 8, 2004

CTI adds three to executive lineup, September 14, 2004

CTI, Toshiba to work on integrated PET/CT, September 8, 2004

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