Molecular Imaging Insider

Dear Molecular Imaging Insider,

What are the best strategies to use when performing PET/CT for lung disease? If you're not sure, you might want to read this week's Insider Exclusive.

Researchers from the U.S. and the U.K. worked together to produce a consensus statement on the optimal PET parameters to use. Their advice ranges from patient preparation to image reconstruction to how to overcome obstacles like respiratory motion effects.

As a Molecular Imaging Insider, you get access to this Insider Exclusive article by Contributing Editor Wayne Forrest before the rest of the membership.

In related news, researchers from Japan discussed PET/CT's prowess for detecting recurrence of disease in non-small cell lung cancer patients after they've undergone surgery. The results indicate that molecular imaging could be a useful tool for tracking patients after treatment.

And in the realm of PET/MRI, researchers from Germany used the hybrid modality to stage patients scheduled for cancer treatment, finding that it detected 25% more cancers than PET/CT. PET/MRI could be especially well-suited for pediatric patients due to its lower radiation burden.

Other important stories that have appeared in the Molecular Imaging Community over the past few weeks include the following:

These are just a few of the many articles on molecular imaging that you'll find in the community. Check out the headlines below for the rest of the news in this exciting discipline.

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