Total-body PET/CT scanner in the works

2016 09 14 15 25 23 643 Dollar Sign 400

Quibim and other molecular imaging partners are collaborating on an $8.9 million project to build a total-body PET/CT scanner for simultaneous whole-body imaging.

The collaboration among Quibim, Full Body Insight, and Oncovision is subcontracted by the Regional Minister of Health of the Government of Valencia, and half of the project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. GE Healthcare will provide parts and technical expertise to help the consortium with its total-body PET/CT project.

The goal of the project is to develop new applications of PET in biomedical research by increasing the sensitivity of the devices by boosting axial coverage. Achieving this will enable acquisitions of the main organs of the body simultaneously, potentially paving the way for new medical applications, according to the company.

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