PET/CT classifies subtypes in progressive nuclear palsy

Will Morton, Associate Editor, Headshot

Monday, November 29 | 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. | SSNMMI04-4 | Room S405
In this session on brain imaging, researchers from India will present a study that elucidates patterns of characteristic hypometabolism on F-18 FDG PET/CT in various subtypes of progressive nuclear palsy (PSP) and their correlation with core clinical features.

PSP is a rare degenerative brain disorder that causes problems with movement, walking and balance, and eye movement. MRI can exclude other pathologies which may result in similar clinical phenotypes, but there are no pathognomonic diagnostic imaging biomarkers available, according to researchers at the Centre for Advanced Research in Imaging, Neuroscience and Genomics (CARING) in New Delhi.

Presenter Dr. Vidur Mahajan, head of research at CARING, will discuss findings of a retrospective analysis of 124 patients with suspected PSP. The patients were divided into five PSP subgroups, then underwent technetium-99m (Tc-99m) TRODAT-1 SPECT and F-18 FDG PET/CT scans on separate days. The scans were analyzed qualitatively (visually) and semiquantitatively, and FDG uptake patterns were recorded and areas of abnormal hypometabolism.

The findings can provide support to distinguish patients into cases with probable and possible PSP, as well as help classify PSP into various subtypes, depending on the dominant presenting core clinical feature, the researchers suggest.

Tune in to this Monday afternoon session to learn the details.

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