RefleXion touts multitarget radiotherapy treatment

Smilow Cancer Hospital, part of Yale New Haven Heath in Connecticut, has implemented a radiotherapy treatment plan for patients with metastatic cancer that combines different imaging modalities using RefleXion Medical's X1 platform.

Multitarget treatment, the company’s most recent upgrade for RefleXion's X1 platform, allows physicians to combine Scintix's biology-guided radiotherapy, a new modality for tumors in the lung or bone, with conventional stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for solid tumors in other body locations. Another technology introduced in the upgrade is the ability to visualize Scintix data at defined intervals during treatment.

The entire hybrid multitarget treatment plan is delivered in five or fewer sessions, RefleXion said.

Scintix technology uses PET imaging data produced by tumors to react to expected motion from internal processes such as breathing, and unexpected motion caused by patient movement. The X1 also delivers conventional SBRT for solid tumors located anywhere in the body.

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