Advanced Magnetics launches clinical study

MRI contrast developer Advanced Magnetics reported that the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Imaging Program (NCI/CIP) has begun its first clinical study of ferumoxytol.

Advanced Magnetics and NCI/CIP signed a clinical trial agreement in September 2002 for the agent, which is designed for MR angiography applications and for use as an intravenous iron replacement therapeutic for anemic chronic kidney disease patients.

The initial study is being conducted at the Oregon Health & Science University in Portland and will seek to determine optimal imaging time and magnetic field strength to visualize the extent of brain tumors, according to the Cambridge, MA-based firm. Future studies will assess the efficacy of ferumoxytol imaging in the evaluation of patients with brain tumors.

By staff writers
June 1, 2004

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Advanced Magnetics gets U.S. patent, July 31, 2003

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Advanced Magnetics sets $10 million stock sale, July 3, 2003

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