MRI Radiology Insider

Dear MRI Insider,

Remember the popular '80s TV show "MacGyver" in which the hero could miraculously build a working bomb with a stick of gum? Well, what would MacGyver do with a procedure light, an infection control system, and a hand sink? If he were really smart, he'd construct an interventional MR suite.

Interventional MRI is the key to take a radiology practice from a small-time diagnostic facility to a prime-time, full-service imaging center, according to the specialists at Jünk Architects. In this MRI Insider Exclusive, Tobias Gilk and Robert Junk offer compelling reasons why MR providers should seriously considering upgrading to a more interactive environment. For all the details, click here.

While it may not be as simple as throwing together a gum-based bomb, the transition from regular-old MR to interventional MR doesn't have to be a Herculean process either. "There isn't very much needed, in terms of required infrastructure, to enable MRI facilities to support minor interventional procedures," Gilk explained in an e-mail to To learn more about such a conversion, click here for a highly informative Q&A with Gilk.

Finally, learn about interventional MR in action in a study led by a Boston radiation oncologist. Dr. Akila Viswanathan shared her group's experience with MR-guided endometrial brachytherapy at the 2005 American Brachytherapy Society meeting in San Francisco.

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