Canon makes 1st U.S. installation of 1.5T scanner

2018 07 23 17 04 9544 Canon Titan Zen 20180723170556 20180723170634

Canon Medical Systems USA has installed its first Vantage Titan Zen Edition 1.5-tesla MRI scanner in the U.S., at Pulaski Memorial Hospital in Winamac, IN.

The system includes Pianissimo Zen, which reduces sound during acquisition by 99% when certain 4D MR angiography sequences are used.

The Vantage Titan Zen Edition 1.5-tesla MRI is quieter with the use of Pianissimo Zen. Image courtesy of Canon.The Vantage Titan Zen Edition 1.5-tesla MRI is quieter with the use of Pianissimo Zen. Image courtesy of Canon.

Since installing the system, patient volume has grown by 20%, according to the hospital.

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