The Practice of Breast Ultrasound

The Practice of Breast Ultrasound by Helmut Madjar
Thieme, New York, 2000, $119

The role of ultrasound in diagnostic breast imaging is growing rapidly. Ultrasound has a potential role in breast cancer screening, while ultrasound-guided core biopsy is a common alternative to surgical biopsy and ultrasound-guided pre-surgical localization.

This book is a revised translation of the 1999 German edition. The 20 chapters are divided into basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. The first four chapters address the technical and basic principles of breast ultrasound. The next seven chapters discuss specific breast pathologies. Interventional ultrasound, screening, post-operative follow-up, Doppler, and 3D-sonography are covered in the subsequent chapters. The last chapter is a list of review questions.

A useful component of this book is the tables in each section, which summarizes the pertinent diagnostic criteria for each disease, and allows for rapid reference. Dr. Madjar discusses many technical issues, such as the appearance of images with different TGC or focal zone settings, as well as optimal and non-optimal settings to assess implants versus breast tissue.

The daily issues related to the work-up and management of various diagnostic situations are explained well and demonstrated with high quality images. For example, the text address the problems associated with postoperative follow-up including atypical scars. Breast ultrasound screening controversies also are covered. The author is a renowned breast imager whose extensive experience is reflected in the images and discussions.

The Practice of Breast Ultrasound is a must-have for breast imaging specialists who require an easily accessible reference for their every day practice.

By Dr. Huong Le-Petross contributing writer
December 23, 2002

Dr. Le-Petross is a fellow in women’s imaging at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ.

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