Ultrasound Insider

Dear Ultrasound Insider,

As the "new stethoscope," ultrasound is widely used but poorly utilized, especially by nonradiologists, according to Dr. John Cronan of Rhode Island Hospital and Brown University in Providence.

For its part, the U.S. radiology community has been quietly letting ultrasound slide, favoring big-money CT and MR scans, Cronan said. Cronan discussed the current state of ultrasound in a talk at the 2006 Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound (SRU) meeting in San Francisco.

While the present may be sobering, the future may hold some promise. Technological advances, such as 3D and contrast agents, may lead to a renaissance for the modality, some experts believe.

Staff writer Shalmali Pal was on hand to cover the SRU conference, and her coverage is the subject of this month's Ultrasound Insider Exclusive story. As an Ultrasound Insider subscriber, you have access to this story before it is published for the rest of our members. Find out more about ultrasound's future prospects by clicking here.

Do you have an idea for a topic you'd like to see covered? As always, please feel free to drop me a line.

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