Can sonographers save ultrasound for radiology?

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

It's no secret that radiology has been fighting a losing battle with other medical specialties over control of diagnostic ultrasound. A provocative new article we're featuring on this week posits that radiology has sown the seeds of its own decline by the way it treats medical sonographers.

In an article we're featuring in our Ultrasound Digital Community, sonography educator Terry DuBose believes that radiology has traditionally undervalued sonographers, who are often trained in radiology but then move to other specialties in search of more promising job opportunities.

That's unfortunate, because in ultrasound the equipment operator has more impact on overall image quality than in any other modality due to the operator-dependent nature of the ultrasound exam, he believes.

Mr. DuBose proposes some solutions for how radiology can reverse the tide and persuade sonographers to remain in radiology. Find out what they are by clicking here.

In other ultrasound news, staff writer Shalmali Pal describes recent innovations in breast ultrasound in an article you can reach by clicking here. The story covers new research on technologies such as tissue harmonic imaging and automated whole-breast ultrasound.

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