Ultrasound Insider

Dear Ultrasound Insider,

Despite its many benefits, ultrasound has often found itself in the background of today's radiology practice, subject to a diminishing role in favor of other imaging modalities. It's not the technology's fault, however, according to longtime contributor Dr. Lars Thorelius.

Thorelius believes that training issues and poor management have contributed to the present situation. In part I of a two-part series, he examines some of the reasons why ultrasound has found itself out of the limelight, including the wide gap between the best and worst ultrasound departments, a lack of full and unbiased image documentation, and shortcomings in training.

As an Ultrasound Insider subscriber, you have access to this Ultrasound Insider Exclusive story before it is published for the rest of our members. Get the latest contribution from Dr. Thorelius by clicking here.

Do you have an idea for a topic you'd like to see covered? As always, please feel free to drop me a line.

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