Real-time elastography with in vivo compression performs well

Tuesday, November 29 | 11:20 a.m.-11:30 a.m. | SSG10-06 | Room N229
In this Tuesday scientific session, a team from the University of Washington will discuss results from using in vivo compression in real-time thyroid elastography.

After modifications to their elastography system allowed the scanner to expand beyond only offline analysis to perform real-time elastography using in vivo compression via carotid artery pulsation, the researchers conducted a study to evaluate inter- and intraobserver variability of thyroid elastography, said presenter Dr. Manjiri Dighe.

Prior to fine-needle aspiration biopsy, 19 patients received elastography using in vivo compression on an Accuvix scanner (Samsung Medison). The researchers found that real-time thyroid elastography can be performed with their technique. It also yielded moderate to good inter- and intraobserver variability, Dighe said.

"This indicates that the training required to use our technique is minimal, and ensured accurate results can be expected with minimum training," Dighe said. "Improvements in the system and technique may help utilize thyroid elastography using in vivo compression as a real-time technique to assess stiffness within the nodule, irrespective of the experience."

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