Ultrasound Insider

Dear Ultrasound Insider,

Many specialties outside of radiology are now using compact ultrasound technology, a development that has induced no small amount of concern in the radiology ultrasound community. But is this trend a threat to radiology?

A special controversy session at RSNA 2012 took on this topic, delving into matters such as training, collaboration, and the lack of interest in ultrasound by many radiologists.

Part 1 of our coverage of the session is this issue's Insider Exclusive, which you can access before the rest of our members by clicking here.

In other news in your Ultrasound Digital Community, ultrasound computer-aided detection technology was found to improve reader accuracy and diagnostic confidence in the characterization of breast lesions. For that story, click here.

Serial compression ultrasound and Doppler imaging were judged to reliably and safely exclude deep vein thrombosis in pregnant women suspected of having that condition. Click here to learn more.

Despite a solid base of clinical evidence on its side, use of ultrasound guidance for central venous catheter placement remains low, unfortunately.

Also, don't miss the latest edition of Dr. Jason Birnholz's Practice of Ultrasound series. In Part 9, Dr. Birnholz explores issues surrounding image quality.

In addition, click here to find out why 2013 may be the year that 3D/4D ultrasound finally comes of age.

A group also recently found that women with dense breast tissue should receive screening breast ultrasound on an annual basis. Breast ultrasound may also be able to serve as a primary screening option.

Do you have an idea for a topic you'd like to see covered? As always, please feel free to drop me a line.

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