Echosens technology used for liver fibrosis study

2019 05 29 19 22 3353 Liver Anatomy 400

Ultrasound technology developer Echosens is supplying its FibroScan test to the Fatty Liver Foundation as part of a research study designed to screen for undetected nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).

FibroScan is being used as part of the Screening for Undiagnosed NAFLD and NASH (SUNN) study, which is designed to identify risk factors in individuals who have advancing but asymptomatic liver disease but have not been diagnosed by a physician, instead choosing to self-select for screening. The foundation has completed the patient recruitment phase of the SUNN study and plans to publish the study's results.

FibroScan is a five-minute test for NAFLD that can be performed at the point of care to help physicians detect, monitor, and prevent liver disease in asymptomatic individuals who may be at high risk.

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