Ultrasound may not be needed for women with fatty breast density

Allegretto Amerigo Headshot

Monday, November 28 | 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. | M6-SSBR04-5 | E451A
Here, research findings will show that ultrasound may not be needed to help detect breast cancer in women with fatty breast density.

Dr. Grace Lin from Kaiser Permanente in California will present her team's research, which explored whether diagnostic mammograms alone or the combination of mammography and ultrasound are better for examining women in this density category. For the study, researchers were blinded to the outcome and performed a retrospective review of the clinical history, diagnostic mammogram, and ultrasound exam in 2,066 women with 2,149 palpable lumps.

Out of these, 1,486 women (72%) had no mammographic correlate. The team detected a total of 136 cancers, with just one being found on ultrasound without a mammographic correlate. Lin and colleagues wrote that this means the cancer risk/negative predictive value/negative predictive value is 1/1,486 (0.07%) for using mammography alone in these patients.

Authors wrote that taking ultrasound out of the equation for women in the fatty breast category would yield benefits.

"Eliminating ultrasound from routine work-up of lumps in women with fatty breasts with no mammographic correlate would expedite care, increase access for other patients, and decrease healthcare costs," they wrote.

To see more results, please attend this Monday presentation.

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