Dear Women's Imaging Insider,
We navigate breast cancer screening from many directions in this installment of the Insider. From the legal perspective, check out a thought-provoking opinion piece on how mammography screening is drowning under the U.S. legal system. Author Renรฉ Jackson argues that a climate of malpractice litigation, high liability insurance costs, and low reimbursement has created a perfect storm for mammography screening. To read more, click here.
Meanwhile our Insider Exclusive focuses on breast cancer overseas. Korean researchers analyzed the epidemiology of breast cancer among Korean women. In the same article, you'll find a sociological analysis of the disconnect between minority women and mainstream medical institutions in Israel. Click here to learn more.
If logistics is your area of interest, the Women's Imaging Radiology Insider also offers up a case study on a U.S. mammography center that achieved smooth sailing by streamlining their patient throughput process. Also, check out an article from the European Congress of Radiology on how the BreastScreen Singapore program is faring.
Finally, on the clinical front, new research strongly indicates that the radiation dose from mammography does not contribute substantially to the burden of breast cancer in genetic mutation carriers.