Does mammography cure cancer?

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Of course mammography doesn't cure cancer. But sensationalist headlines like that are just an extreme example of the misunderstandings that can occur among the public with regard to breast cancer detection and prevention.

We examine some breast cancer myths and realities this week with an article in our Women's Imaging Digital Community that kicks off our expanded coverage of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In the story, contributing writer Sydney Schuster debunks popular breast cancer myths and explains how, in some cases, such misunderstandings can impact whether women decide to undergo mammography screening.

From confusion over whether digital mammography requires breast compression (it does, of course) to e-mail chain letters about bizarre new forms of breast cancer, mammography advocates have seen it all. Learn about just a few of the most common misperceptions by clicking here.

In the second story we're featuring this week, staff writer Shalmali Pal addresses the challenges that many mammography screening facilities face in providing quality service to patients while also adhering to HIPAA's privacy guidelines. Get the details by clicking here.

For the rest of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we'll be featuring articles on an MR mammography case study, proper positioning for screening studies of women with breast implants, a brief history of breast cancer, and breast imaging and malpractice insurance. Make sure to check back in the weeks to come in our Women's Imaging Digital Community, at

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