Women's Imaging Insider

Dear Women's Imaging Insider,

Happy 2007! We get the new year off to a rousing start with a little difference of opinions. Last month, a report out of the Houston's M. D. Anderson Cancer Center stated that the new cases of breast cancer in the U.S. had dropped significantly because older women had, more or less, abandoned hormone replacement therapy (HRT). But in an editorial, noted breast imager Dr. Daniel Kopans posits that there are other forces at work. Click here for Dr. Kopans' thoughts on the matter.

Our Insider Exclusive comes from the Center for Research on Utilization of Imaging Services (CRUISE) at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. Dr. David Levin and colleagues tracked breast imaging utilization rates across multiple modalities through the early 21st century. Click here for the details.

Also, visit the Women's Imaging Digital Community for other articles on breast health management:

  • Second opinions, including outside reads by radiologists, encourage changes in breast cancer treatment
  • A mammography reader's gender and experience influences false-positive rates
  • How referring physicians show biases for breast cancer screening referral
  • Delays in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment in relation to a woman's ethnicity
  • How PET can track breast cancer response to chemotherapy

Finally, learn more about a nonprofit women-only hospital in India that has proved wildly popular, but is in desperate need of medical equipment and supplies.

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