Women's Imaging Insider

Dear Women’s Imaging Insider,

When radiologists think about breast imaging, transgender women may not first come to mind. But transgender women are not immune to breast cancer and other breast health concerns. An article in Radiographics outlined what radiologists should know about breast imaging for transgender patients. Read more in this edition's Insider Exclusive.

In other Women's Imaging Community news, the effects of breast density laws are increasingly being scrutinized in the scientific literature. One recent study found notification laws may not be increasing women's knowledge about the health risks associated with dense breasts. Only about one-quarter of women who were surveyed knew that breast density was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer -- and that percentage didn't significantly change for women living in states with notification laws.

Another study found state laws designed to notify women with dense breast tissue about their options for supplemental imaging may not actually boost the use of ultrasound. Clinicians in states with notification laws ordered ultrasounds for 4.2% of preventive visits after implementation, compared with 3.9% of visits before the laws went into effect.

The questions around the effectiveness of density notification laws have prompted some researchers to find other, creative solutions for informing women about their density status. One such tool is a virtual educator named Danya. The interactive prototype significantly boosted women's knowledge about breast density and its associated health risks. The study shows how online platforms and personal assistants may one day help teach patients about complex health issues.

Do you find breast density notifications are helpful for your patients? Have you come across tools to improve them? Share your thoughts by email or on Twitter. I'd love to hear what you have to say.

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