Market Snapshot SurveysTM Quick, insightful feedback from your radiology customers

In today’s competitive medical imaging product and service markets, accurate and timely market knowledge is one key to gaining competitive advantage.’s market research team has the expertise and the tools to help you enhance your company’s market knowledge through our confidential research surveys. And, the speed, efficiency, and quality of online research can help you react more rapidly to changing market conditions.

Using our relationships with radiology and cardiology service providers,’s Market Snapshot surveys can assist you in researching a wide range of marketing questions, including:
  • Evaluating new product or technology concepts

  • Assessing new market opportunities

  • Tracking of product utilization trends

  • Measuring customer satisfaction

  • Testing promotional and sales materials

  • Testing pricing and positioning strategies

  • Measuring product feature tradeoffs
Market Snapshot surveys are designed to be timely, reliable, and affordable snapshots of your customer’s behavior and opinions. Such surveys typically contain about fifteen substantive questions (plus demographic questions) in multiple choice, short answer, rating, or ranking formats,. These surveys are conducted anonymously, both to protect your confidentiality and to ensure open and unbiased responses.

Key advantages offered by these surveys include:
  • Fast turnaround of results—Often within one week

  • Targeted recruitment—Ability to recruit specific respondent groups using targeting criteria such as U.S. or World geographic regions, facility types, and areas of technological interest

  • Flexibility in survey instrument design—including piping, ratings, rankings, and ability to handle open-ended responses

  • Convenient survey access for respondents—Internet access is widely available in hospitals and physician offices, allowing respondents to access and complete surveys anytime, day or night, and avoiding the need to fax or mail the survey back.

  • Accurate and complete responses—Controls built into the online questionnaire guard against skipped and incomplete responses, improving question-level response rates and data accuracy

Our use of advanced research methodologies, combined with our years of experience delivering real-time information and news to the medical imaging community, makes AuntMinnie uniquely positioned to partner with your company in addressing your market information needs.

To request more information about's Online Market Research Services, please click here.

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