X-Ray Radiology Insider

Dear X-Ray Insider,

Flat-panel detectors are where it's at in this issue of the X-Ray Insider. Our exclusive article offers highlights from two new studies that compared flat-panel x-ray to conventional radiography and angiography in terms of dose exposure and performance. A major advantage of flat-panel detectors is that radiation dose can be lowered while image quality and signal-to-noise ratio are maintained. Click here to read more.

You'll also find another story in the X-Ray Digital Community on how two display platforms -- PC and PACS -- fared for the interpretation of wrist images. The study authors from New Zealand said they chose to work with subtle wrist fractures because they provide a reasonably rigorous test of observer performance.

Other articles of note include how to use panoramic x-rays for dental age calculation, how spinal x-rays can tailor therapy for osteopenic women, and how bone growth in adolescents can be affected by diet as well as mental health wellness.

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