Add your resume to our Job Boards

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

If you've ever used AuntMinnie's Job Boards, you know what a great resource it is for matching employers with job seekers. Now we've made the Job Boards even better by enabling AuntMinnie members to upload resumes into a new, interactive resume database.

Our new "My Resumes" feature lets you build a resume that highlights all the important facts you might want potential employers to know. You can start by listing the position you're looking for, or go even further by listing your educational background, certifications, and any licenses and permits you have.

Better yet, you determine how and when employers will get in touch with you through our extensive contact and privacy settings. Targeting a particular region for your job search? No problem -- you can even indicate what states and countries you're willing to work in.

So give our new Job Boards resume database a spin by clicking here, or go to As always, it's free to use for AuntMinnie members.

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