Digital X-Ray Insider

Dear Digital X-Ray Insider,

The problem of dose creep in digital radiography (DR) never seems to go away, but DR users appear to be getting a better handle on it.

Witness this edition's Insider Exclusive, in which we bring you coverage of a study by Chinese researchers who developed a system to modulate x-ray dose based on the exposure index (EI) values of their DR equipment.

The researchers found that they could use EI values to reduce dose based on the type of clinical exam being performed. Found out how well the technique worked by clicking here for an article you can read before the rest of the membership.

Other important stories in the Digital X-Ray Community include the following:

  • Learn about an upcoming summit later this week in Bethesda, MD, on the safe and appropriate use of medical imaging.
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has advised that x-ray exams may be necessary for patients with implantable heart defibrillators from a major manufacturer.
  • A large hospital chain has come under fire for cardiac cath procedures that some say were medically unnecessary.
  • A cardiac cath technologist has been arrested and charged with infecting patients with hepatitis C in what prosecutors say was a drug diversion scheme.

Click on any of the above links to visit the stories, or go to

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