Week in Review: ISMRM coverage starts today | Who orders inappropriate MRI? | AMVC Spring 2021 on demand

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Today is the opening day of the annual meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), and we're pleased to be bringing you daily coverage in our RADCast @ ISMRM special section.

A number of fascinating talks are being presented at ISMRM 2021, including a presentation on how researchers can achieve a wider audience for their work -- beyond just peer-reviewed journals. Also, read about how artificial intelligence is being used to improve image reconstruction of MRI data, as well as how 7-tesla MRI is making imaging of musculoskeletal injuries in athletes more accurate.

Join us through the weekend and into next week for more coverage of ISMRM 2021 and the affiliated Society for MR Radiographers & Technologists (SMRT) conference.

Who orders inappropriate MRI?

While we're on the subject of MRI, a new study provides more insight into the types of referring physicians who request inappropriate MRI scans. Researchers from Northeastern University found that primary care physicians who transitioned from private practice to hospital work had higher rates of inappropriate patient referrals.

Meanwhile, low-field MRI is making something of a comeback, despite perceptions that the field-strength wars in MRI were won by high-field scanners. We profile a developer of low-field technology, Neuro42, in a new video segment called Technology Focus.

Also, visit our MRI Community to learn about how functional MRI shows that damage to white matter in the brain can indicate worse cognitive outcomes, and how heart damage is a rare occurrence in college athletes who have recovered from COVID-19.

Get these stories and more in our MRI Community.

AMVC 2021 on demand

Finally, if you weren't able to attend our Spring 2021 Virtual Conference: Advances in AI (AMVC Spring 2021) in real-time, on-demand recordings of the sessions are now available. Just visit our Conferences section to get up to date.

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