Tami Freeman[email protected]Radiation Oncology/TherapyExperts discuss proton therapy's potential for breast cancerProton therapy is currently used to treat brain, spine, and prostate cancers, as well as many pediatric tumors. Earlier this month, experts from some of the leading U.S. cancer centers gathered to discuss the emerging role of proton therapy in breast cancer.February 26, 2013MRIHybrid linac-MRI tracks motion during radiotherapyReal-time tumor tracking could prove invaluable for radiotherapy of moving targets such as lung tumors. Using MRI for such tracking provides position verification without ionizing radiation. Researchers recently discussed the latest results of a prototype hybrid linac-MRI system being developed at the Cross Cancer Institute in Canada.October 7, 2012Radiation Oncology/TherapyExploiting log files for optimal radiotherapy QAQuality assurance (QA) of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) is a vital component in the radiotherapy process, but current QA procedures are far from optimal. Log files produced by radiotherapy systems can be exploited to vastly improve IMRT quality assurance.September 17, 2012Radiation Oncology/TherapyImaging advances therapy assessmentMonitoring and understanding a patient's response to therapy plays a central role in optimizing cancer treatment. Advanced imaging technologies could enable monitoring of tumor response at an earlier stage in the treatment course, providing a means for personalized therapy adaptation.September 2, 2012Radiation Oncology/TherapyNew takes on image guidance for radiation therapyKilovoltage and megavoltage conebeam CT are predominantly used for real-time imaging during radiation therapy, with systems based on ultrasound or MRI now also being developed. But there are other imaging modalities that could be used, including those that offer functional and molecular information regarding the tumor being treated.August 23, 2012Radiation Oncology/TherapyAdding ultrasound boosts radiotherapy for prostate cancerCombining pulsed nonthermal focused ultrasound with radiotherapy could increase the efficacy of prostate cancer treatment, according to a presentation at the American Association of Physicists in Medicine annual meeting held in Charlotte, NC, earlier this month.August 16, 2012Radiation Oncology/TherapyMRI visualizes proton dose distributionMRI visualizes the dose distribution with proton therapy procedures by imaging radiation-induced tissue changes, reducing the uncertainty of the range of the proton beam, according to a presentation at the recent European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology annual meeting.May 29, 2012Nuclear MedicineBrain PET enhances radiation therapy planningA brain PET scanner based on semiconductor detectors can provide more accurate tumor delineation than a conventional whole-body PET system, according to researchers from Japan, who found that the newly developed system had twice the spatial resolution of conventional PET systems.March 14, 2012Radiation Oncology/TherapyCouch attenuation undermines radiotherapy plan qualityTreatment couches used to support a patient during intensity-modulated radiotherapy and arc therapy can unknowingly lead to an unacceptable reduction in dose to target structures. Rail placement can also affect the dose delivered.January 15, 2012Radiation Oncology/TherapyUltrasound tackles radiation therapy guidanceUltrasound imaging offers the potential of marker-free, soft-tissue visualization during radiation therapy delivery, providing real-time tracking of target organ location without delivering any extra radiation dose to healthy tissue.October 2, 2011Page 1 of 4Next PageTop StoriesCTUse thin slices on CT for preop periampullary adenocarcinoma imagingPreoperative CT in patients with periampullary adenocarcinoma should include thin slices to reduce the chance of a terminated Whipple procedure.Practice ManagementPrivate equity acquisition rising in radiologyPractice ManagementMICI Q2: Confidence in growth of imaging as profit center remains highNuclear MedicineAc-225: From nuclear waste to cancer treatmentSponsor ContentRegister for a FREE Webinar March 19 @ 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET