Jim PittmanCTHow 64-slice CT saved my life: An administrator's storyCoronary CT angiography (CTA) saved the life of Jim Pittman. Pittman, an administrator at Bedford Regional Medical Center in Indiana, shares his story with AuntMinnie.com -- how he decided to volunteer to undergo CTA on his hospital's new 64-slice CT scanner for technologist training, and how his decision ended up saving his life.February 27, 2008Page 1 of 1Top StoriesCTAI-enabled CCTA on par with IVUS for plaque quantificationAn AI-powered automated plaque quantification tool for coronary CT angiography (CCTA) performs on par with intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) for quantifying heart plaque volume and characterizing plaque.Molecular ImagingNew PET tracer shows promise in patients with kidney cancerPractice ManagementSalary differences narrow between academic, nonacademic radiologistsUltrasoundUltrasound-guided nerve blocks safe for emergency pain managementWomens ImagingBatch reading of DBT exams leads to reader performance boost