Robert Sheridan, Maureen Hemingway, Lai Kuen Morrison, et aleditorial@auntminnie.comHomeThe hybrid OR suite: Design collaboration for successThe hybrid OR suite, page 3June 5, 2014HomeThe hybrid OR suite: Design collaboration for successThe hybrid OR suite, page 2June 5, 2014Digital X-RayThe hybrid OR suite: Design collaboration for successMany hospitals are considering the installation of hybrid operating rooms (ORs) -- suites in which both image-guided, minimally invasive procedures and open surgeries can be performed. In this article, a team from Massachusetts General Hospital describes how it went about creating an advanced hybrid OR suite.June 5, 2014Page 1 of 1Top StoriesCTUltralow-dose CT identifies pneumonia in immunocompromised patientsUltralow-dose CT images "denoised" by an AI algorithm can effectively diagnose pneumonia in patients with weakened immune systems.Practice ManagementPediatric radiology continues to face workforce shortageCTCTC for colorectal cancer screening is at an 'inflection point'EconomicsRadiology practices hurt by paltry practice expense paymentsSponsor ContentElevate your patient's care with the capabilities of Cardiac PET/CT