Color Health to launch a GPT-4o ‘copilot’

Color Health will launch a copilot application based on OpenAI’s latest GPT-4o technology designed to help identify missing cancer diagnostics and create tailored treatment plans, according to a story on OpenAI’s website.

Color Health’s copilot uses the same technology that drives OpenAI’s latest GPT-4o application and integrates with electronic health records (EHRs) and core hospital systems, according to the article. Early assessments of the technology suggest the following:

  • Healthcare providers using the copilot are able to identify four times more missing labs, imaging, or biopsy and pathology results than those without the copilot.
  • Using the copilot, it takes on average five minutes (versus up to weeks) for clinicians to analyze patient records and identify gaps.

Color Health is a cancer screening and treatment services company based in Burlingame, CA, and works with customers such as the American Cancer Society. Through the second half of 2024, the company intends to use the copilot application to provide AI-generated personalized care plans, with physician oversight, for over 200,000 patients, according to the OpenAI article.

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