Guardian Technologies International

Guardian of Herndon, VA, will demonstrate its work-in-progress program in adapting computer-aided detection (CAD) software designed initially for detecting explosives to the medical market.

Guardian's 3i (intelligent imaging informatics) software uses CAD algorithms that reveal inherent tissue signature characterization rather than applying pattern recognition models, according to the company. Called iterative transformational divergence (IDT), the algorithm reveals inherent signatures of image objects typically invisible to the human eye, rather than the typical pattern recognition CAD model.

The applications that Guardian is developing are capable of providing image clarification, visualization, detection, characterization, and quantifying by measurement, the firm said. The software could be used with a wide range of modalities, including CT, MRI, ultrasound, PET, and radiography, while clinical applications range from general mammography to tuberculosis.

The 3i technology is still in the R&D phase and will be shown as a work-in-progress.

By Brian Casey staff writer
November 3, 2006

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