Week in Review: Radiology payment cuts | AI spots diabetes on chest x-rays | SalaryScan

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

In what has seemingly become an annual event, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is once again targeting radiology for reimbursement cuts in its 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule.

The proposed rule would result in an estimated 3% cut in reimbursement for radiology as well as a 4% aggregate decrease for interventional radiology and a 3% drop in reimbursement for nuclear medicine procedures.

But that wasn't the only big news for radiology included in the agency's announcement late Thursday afternoon. CMS is also proposing a pause in its Appropriate Use Criteria program for advanced imaging studies. Click here for the details.

Our Imaging Leaders Community also featured coverage of AHRA 2023 this week, including a popular article on how negotiation strategies can help radiology practices be more successful.

AI spots diabetes on chest x-rays

Our most highly read story this week highlighted the potential for AI to identify type II diabetes on the most common imaging exam in the world: chest radiographs.

The researchers believe that their algorithm could be used to identify high-risk individuals and perform more accurate risk assessments.

Learn more by visiting our Digital X-Ray Community, where you can also find an article on how a deep-learning model can accurately detect hip fractures, even when metallic implants are present.

In addition, find out how the rate of diagnostic imaging interpretation by nonphysician practitioners is on the rise.


Have you completed your SalaryScan survey yet? If not, there's still time to contribute to our annual initiative to compile the latest compensation and benefits data for the radiology community. As always, your responses are kept anonymous and help us produce the most accurate results for you and your fellow AuntMinnie.com members.

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