Blackford, CureMetrix collaborate on BAC detection

AI technology developer Blackford and CureMetrix are partnering to bring breast arterial calcification detection (BAC) software cmAngio to healthcare professionals through the Blackford platform.

Blackford’s platform provides healthcare providers access to a portfolio of more than 135 AI software products designed to improve clinical accuracy and efficiency and improve patient outcomes. By integrating CureMetrix’s technology into it, Blackford can offer healthcare providers support for the detection and localization of BACs without requiring additional screening.

cmAngio has 501(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and features AI-based software that detects the presence or absence of BACs, an incidental finding in both full-field digital mammography and digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) breast cancer screening. With this in mind, radiologists can use existing screening mammograms as a two-for-one exam to identify women with BACs and refer them for further evaluation as necessary. Additionally, cmAngio highlights BAC segments on thumbnail images of screening mammograms for precise localization.

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