A report from the U.S. General Accountability Office (GAO) chides the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for missing some key information security controls and not effectively implementing existing ones.
A summary of the findings stated that "significant weaknesses in electronic access and other system controls threatened the confidentiality and availability of sensitive CMS financial and medical information when it was transmitted across the network."
The GAO said it also found "numerous vulnerabilities" in user identification and authentication, system boundary protection, and auditing and monitoring of security-related events.
By AuntMinnie.com staff writers
October 4, 2006
Related Reading
GAO finds U.S. mammo services on the decline, September 28, 2006
Survey finds incremental EHR adoption, September 22, 2006
U.S. Medicare contract reform plan needs work: GAO, August 18, 2006
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