We'd like to introduce you to an exciting new project being developed at AuntMinnie.com. AuntMinnie's Buyer's Guide is a comprehensive online database of medical imaging products that we believe could revolutionize the medical equipment purchasing process.
AuntMinnie's Buyer's Guide will include hundreds of radiology product listings. Each listing will feature detailed product specifications, enabling entries to be searched and sorted to provide side-by-side product comparisons. Buyer's Guide will provide invaluable assistance to buyers in selecting equipment, while helping vendors -- such as your company -- disseminate detailed, accurate information to purchasers.
The launch of AuntMinnie's Buyer's Guide is just around the corner, but before we unveil it to our 67,000+ registered members, we need your input. We'd like you to preview the final list of product specifications for our initial product categories, and give us feedback on any product specifications that you feel should be added, and/or any superfluous product specifications that you feel should be removed.
Click on the icons below to download a PDF containing product category specs our consultant partners have defined as important for several different product types. Download any that your company is involved with. E-mail your feedback to [email protected], or print out the attached PDF chart, handwrite your comments, and fax it back to us at (858) 490-1472.
Currently defined product category specs
AuntMinnie's Buyer's Guide will include hundreds of radiology product listings. Each listing will feature detailed product specifications, enabling entries to be searched and sorted to provide side-by-side product comparisons. Buyer's Guide will provide invaluable assistance to buyers in selecting equipment, while helping vendors -- such as your company -- disseminate detailed, accurate information to purchasers.
The launch of AuntMinnie's Buyer's Guide is just around the corner, but before we unveil it to our 67,000+ registered members, we need your input. We'd like you to preview the final list of product specifications for our initial product categories, and give us feedback on any product specifications that you feel should be added, and/or any superfluous product specifications that you feel should be removed.
Click on the icons below to download a PDF containing product category specs our consultant partners have defined as important for several different product types. Download any that your company is involved with. E-mail your feedback to [email protected], or print out the attached PDF chart, handwrite your comments, and fax it back to us at (858) 490-1472.
Currently defined product category specs

3D Imaging
Biopsy Devices
Bone Densitometry
Cardiac Cath
Computed Radiography
Computer-Aided Diagnosis
Dental Imaging
Digital X-ray
Film Print Systems
Image Processing
Image Guided Surgery
Interventional Radiology
Optical Imaging
Radiation Oncology/Therapy
Speech Recognition
Therapy (Non-radiation)
Virtual Colonoscopy