The Minnies finals: Waiting for your vote

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Tired of awards competitions where the winners are picked by anonymous committees in smoke-filled rooms? Then cast your vote in the final round of the Minnies, the annual awards competition that listens to you!

Your votes have helped us select the finalists in 17 categories representing a wide variety of topics in radiology. Now all we need is your vote to help us determine who should be recognized.

Who should be honored as the Most Influential Radiology Researcher: Dr. Eliot Siegel or Dr. Laszlo Tabar? What’s the best Radiologic Technologist Training Program: Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL, or Weber State University in Ogden, UT? The Minnies let you make the call!

Voting is easy: If you were registered as an AuntMinnie member as of August 21, just go to You can only vote once in the final round, and voting is open until November 9. We’ll be announcing the winners just before this year’s RSNA conference. If you’d like to see a list of the finalists, just click here.

And, if you choose to give us your name and contact information, you can be one of two lucky Minnies voters in the final round to win a personal digital assistant (PDA) handheld computer. So fire up your browser and head over to the Minnies today.

When you're done voting, you might head over to our Women's Imaging Digital Community, where we're featuring a three-part series on international breast screening to mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The series covers screening efforts in three countries -- Romania, India, and Mexico -- with local radiologists discussing the state of mammography in their own countries. Check out the series, at

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