MRI Radiology Insider

Dear MRI Insider,

It's a musculoskeletal MR bonanza in this installment of the Insider. Our exclusive article focuses on paralabral tears and cysts of the hip. While the symptoms of these entities -- deep, sharp pain with tenderness on rotation and extension -- are eminently clear to patients, finding them is not always easy, given the complex, multicomponent nature of the hip. However, MRI highlights these cysts, helping clinicians diagnose associated conditions such as sciatica and labral tears. Click here for the details.

Check out our MRI-related articles on the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, if you haven't already. The modality demonstrates its versatility in humans (the pectoralis major muscle of weightlifters) and horses (equine navicular disease).

In other clinical news, read about the value of MRI in stroke imaging and endorectal MR for localizing prostate cancer. Also, learn more about new MR frontiers in tracking multiple sclerosis and facilitating sentinel node identification in breast cancer.

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