Kodak books multiple Q4 contracts

Eastman Kodak Health Group of Rochester, NY, said it has signed several contracts with U.S. healthcare entities for its CR, DR, and healthcare IT products in the fourth quarter of 2005.

Capital Health Plan of Tallahassee, FL, ordered a CareStream RIS/PACS for Imaging Centers and a CareStream Enterprise Information Management package, which enables enterprise-wide management of images and information. The facility also purchased two DirectView CR 975 systems, along with a Healthcare Solution Services contract to redesign and optimize its digital workflow, according to Kodak.

Century City Doctors Hospital in Century City, CA, purchased a DirectView Web Distribution System, and Coest Labs in Indianapolis ordered a mammography computer-aided detection (CAD) system from the company.

Community Health Systems in Brentwood, TN, has ordered a CareStream PACS and Enterprise Information Management package for three Pennsylvania hospitals located in Easton, Coatesville, and West Grove. The group also ordered 14 DirectView 850 and 950 CR systems for these facilities.

Doshi Diagnostic Imaging Services in Hicksville, NY, purchased three CR 950 systems for its newly acquired facilities, while Encompass Medical Group of Independence, OH, ordered a mammography CAD system. Keefe Memorial Hospital in Cheyenne Wells, CO, purchased a CareStream PACS and Enterprise Information Management package, a Web distribution system, and a DirectView CR 500 System. The hospital also ordered Kodak's CD Distribution System.

MeritCare Health System in Fargo, ND, purchased a DirectView DR 9000 and DR 7100 system for two outpatient clinics, and MultiCare Tacoma General Hospital in Tacoma, WA, ordered a DirectView DR 7500, the vendor said.

Newark Beth Israel Hospital of Newark, NJ, ordered five CR 850 systems, a DryView 8900 laser imaging system, and Capture Link software, which links up to five Kodak CR or DR systems. Physicians East in Greenville, NC, purchased five DirectView CR 825 systems and Presbyterian Orthopaedic Hospital of Charlotte, NC, ordered two CR 850 systems.

Kodak said that Sioux Valley Hospital in Sioux Valley, SD, purchased three CR 825 systems, and St. Francis Hospital in Litchfield, IL, purchased three CR 850 systems and two DryView 8900 laser imagers. Lastly, the Memorial Hospital of Craig, CO, purchased a CR 850, CR 825, and a DryView 8900 laser imager.

By AuntMinnie.com staff writers
February 3, 2006

Related Reading

Kodak sales, earnings down in Q4, January 31, 2006

Fischer signs service deal with Kodak, January 26, 2006

Kodak provides imaging technology for 2006 Olympics, December 20, 2005

Kodak gets Dolphin Stadium CR install, December 13, 2005

Kodak to supply mammo CAD to Consorta, December 7, 2005

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