Part 3 - Learn how to enhance breast MRI image processing workflow

Join Dr. Steven Harms and Aurora Imaging Technology for a free, sponsor-supplied Online Symposium discussing how the AuroraCAD™ system enhances your breast MRI viewing and image processing workflow.

2007 01 11 10 07 38 706
Steven E. Harms, MD, FACR, Radiologist, The Breast Center of Northwest Arkansas and Medical Director, Aurora Imaging Technology.

Join Dr. Steven Harms and Aurora Imaging Technology for a free, sponsor-supplied Online Symposium discussing how the AuroraCAD™ system enhances your breast MRI viewing and image processing workflow.

Because of the large amount of data and clinical images produced from breast MRI studies, a truly integrated and effective CAD system is a critical tool for the breast radiologist. AuroraCAD also presents simultaneous axial, sagittal and coronal views of any acquisition or post-processed image set using multi-planar reconstruction. The AuroraCAD allows for side-by-side comparison of pre-and post-contrast images, subtractions, 3D projection images, enhancement curves and more.

Aurora's user-friendly, DICOM-compatible AuroraCAD software provides the ultimate in efficiency for the physician and the technologist, which improves workflow and maximizes patient

See the difference in these SpiralRODEO™ 3-D images:

SpiralRODEO Sample Image SpiralRODEO Sample Image

When you're finished, feel free to post your comments and questions in the Clinical Advancements in Breast MRI discussion forum, which you can reach by clicking here.

NOTE:This format of an AuntMinnie Online Symposium requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later and Microsoft Media Player 9 or later.
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