CardioDynamics approves reverse stock split

Impedance cardiography (ICG) developer CardioDynamics of San Diego has announced a reverse stock split to maintain its Nasdaq listing, the company said.

The reverse split of one for seven shares was approved May 8; trading in postsplit shares begins May 9. The company's stock will trade under the symbol "CDICD" for a period of approximately 20 trading days following the implementation of the reverse split to denote the transaction. After that time period, the trading symbol will revert to "CDIC."

Related Reading

CardioDynamics gets Nasdaq noncompliance letter, April 21, 2008

CardioDynamics grows revenue in Q1, April 11, 2008

CardioDynamics partners with Indian firm, January 31, 2008

CardioDynamics nets OK for BioZ Dx features, September 28, 2007

CardioDynamics moves closer to Vermed sale, August 16, 2007

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