Image-guidance firm Lumicell announced that it is making progress on the development of its Lumicell handheld imaging device, as well as expanding patent protection for its optical contrast agent, LUM015.
The company has completed development of a second-generation handheld detector for Lumicell, which will be used in the lead clinical studies in breast cancer and trials for prostate, colorectal, esophageal, and pancreatic cancers. The company has already begun work on a third-generation device that will improve functionality in the operating room, it said. Lumicell is also working on enhancements to its software that will allow for real-time imaging at the operating table.
Finally, the company continues to solidify its intellectual property portfolio. It recently received a patent from the U.S. Patent and Trade Office that protects the use of a fluorescent imaging agent to detect tumor cells during surgical resection, and the company has more than 15 ongoing patent actions, according to the firm.