U.S. House releases plan to address surprise medical billing

2017 04 20 14 33 37 718 Money Hundred Bills 400

The U.S. House of Representatives' Ways and Means Committee on February 7 released text of new legislation that would address surprise medical billing.

Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) and ranking member Kevin Brady (R-TX) released legislative text of the Consumer Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills Act of 2020.

In December, the American College of Radiology (ACR) opposed another version of the legislation, stating that some of the proposal's characteristics -- such as network matching, bundling, and rate setting -- would be harmful to radiology.

But this version may be more workable, Cynthia Moran, ACR's executive vice president of government relations, economics, and health policy, told AuntMinnie.com.

"The ACR feels that this Ways and Means version seems more attuned to the many concerns providers have raised with other versions of the surprise billing legislation," Moran said. "We'll wait to see how the amending process goes this Wednesday before we finalize our position."

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