SCCT names 2021 Gold Medal Award winner

2020 02 03 22 07 3929 Trophy Award 400

The Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT) has named Dr. Todd Villines of the University of Virginia Health System and School of Medicine in Charlottesville winner of its 2021 Gold Medal Award.

The award recognizes leaders who have made key contributions to the field of cardiovascular CT and to the SCCT.

Villines is a clinical cardiologist, cardiovascular imager, and clinical researcher. He has served as SCCT president, as well as editor in chief of the Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. He has also contributed to the planning of several of the society's annual meetings, has led CTA Academy workshops, and has published more than 200 peer-reviewed manuscripts as well as books and book chapters in the area of cardiovascular imaging.

The society also named winners of two more awards. Dr. Philip Greenland of Northwestern University in Chicago will receive the Arthur S. Agatston Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Award, which recognizes those whose efforts have helped save lives from coronary artery disease, while Dr. Pim de Feyter of Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, will receive the 2021 Stephan Achenbach Pioneer Award in Cardiovascular CT, which honors clinical excellence, research, and education.

Villines, Greenland, and de Feyter will receive their awards at the SCCT annual virtual meeting being held in July.

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