Imaging exam wait times cost Canada $2.7B U.S. per year

2019 02 12 23 11 2325 Canada Flag 400

A report released by the Conference Board of Canada has found that wait times for radiology services (CT and MRI diagnostics) cost the Canadian economy $3.5 billion Canadian ($2.7 billion U.S.) in lost productivity annually.

The report, titled "The Value of Radiology, Part II," also found the following:

  • 5% of CT and MRI patients are forced to stop work temporarily while they wait longer than the recommended maximum wait time.
  • Having workers off the job while waiting for imaging exams reduces government revenues by $430 million ($326.2 million U.S.) a year.
  • To upgrade Canada's stock of medical imaging equipment, 151 new CT machines and 91 new MRI machines would be required, at a cost of $469 million ($355.8 million U.S.).
  • To meet demand and keep the machines up to date will require $4.4 billion ($3.3 billion U.S.) over the next two decades.

"Access to medical imaging procedures is a growing problem for Canadians," said Dr. Mike Barry, president of the Canadian Association of Radiologists, in a statement released by the conference board. "Having to wait months for MRIs and CTs not only negatively impacts patient outcomes but also costs the healthcare system billions of dollars each year."

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