Medical professionals struggling with anxiety, joblessness

2018 09 04 17 59 6891 Doctor Stress 400

A survey of over 1,200 healthcare providers in the U.S. has found growing levels of anxiety and unemployment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Salt Lake City-based staffing company CHG Healthcare conducted the survey and found what it described as an industry profoundly impacted by the pandemic. Fewer people are working, and some medical professionals are filing for unemployment for the first time, the company said.

In addition, the survey found a widespread desire among medical professionals to resume elective care and end stay-at-home restrictions soon.

Key findings include the following:

  • 74% of medical professionals indicated they were working less after the COVID-19 outbreak, primarily due to lower patient volumes (43%) and paused elective care (26%).
  • 13% of professionals had been laid off or furloughed, and only 50% considered themselves to be full-time workers.
  • 41% had not treated any patients with COVID-19.
  • 72% of physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners reported greater anxiety in their lives.
  • 68% were concerned about bringing home the virus to family members and other loved ones.
  • 56% were worried they might get infected themselves.
  • 73% want facilities to begin offering elective care again within the next month.
  • 62% indicated they want to see stay-at-home restrictions eased in their state.

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