Table of Contents

Scientific Exhibits

By Poonam Batra, Brian Bigoni, John Manning, Denise R. Aberle, Kathleen Brown, Eric Hart, and Jonathan Goldin
Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Thoracic Aortic Dissection at CT Angiography

Radiographics 2000 20: 309-320.

By Joel S. Newman and Arthur H. Newberg
Congenital Tarsal Coalition: Multimodality Evaluation with Emphasis on CT and MR Imaging

Radiographics 2000 20: 321-332.

By José A. Narváez, Javier Narváez, Raúl Ortega, Carlos Aguilera, Ana Sánchez, and Eduard Andía
Painful Heel: MR Imaging Findings

Radiographics 2000 20: 333-352.

By Jorge A. Soto, Oscar Alvarez, Jorge E. Lopera, Felipe Múnera, Juan C. Restrepo, and Gonzalo Correa
Biliary Obstruction: Findings at MR Cholangiography and Cross-sectional MR Imaging

Radiographics 2000 20: 353-366.

By V. Javier Casillas, Marco A. Amendola, Ana Gascue, Nat Pinnar, Joe U. Levi, and Juan Manuel Perez
Imaging of Nontraumatic Hemorrhagic Hepatic Lesions

Radiographics 2000 20: 367-378.

By Valérie Vilgrain, Leila Boulos, Marie-Pierre Vullierme, Alban Denys, Benoît Terris, and Yves Menu
Imaging of Atypical Hemangiomas of the Liver with Pathologic Correlation

Radiographics 2000 20: 379-397.

By Karen M. Horton, Frank M. Corl, and Elliot K. Fishman
CT Evaluation of the Colon: Inflammatory Disease

Radiographics 2000 20: 399-418.

By Karen M. Horton, Ross A. Abrams, and Elliot K. Fishman
Spiral CT of Colon Cancer: Imaging Features and Role in Management

Radiographics 2000 20: 419-430.

By Deirdre M. Coll, Brian R. Herts, William J. Davros, Robert G. Uzzo, and Andrew C. Novick
Preoperative Use of 3D Volume Rendering to Demonstrate Renal Tumors and Renal Anatomy

Radiographics 2000 20: 431-438.

By Neal C. Dalrymple, Brant Casford, David P. Raiken, Kelcey D. Elsass, and Rafael A. Pagan
Pearls and Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Ureterolithiasis with Unenhanced Helical CT

Radiographics 2000 20: 439-447.

By Mukesh G. Harisinghani, Theresa C. McLoud, Jo-Anne O. Shepard, Jane P. Ko, Manohar M. Shroff, and Peter R. Mueller
Tuberculosis from Head to Toe

Radiographics 2000 20: 449-470.

By Gülgün Engin, Bülent Acunas, Gülden Acunas, and Mehtap Tunaci
Imaging of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis

Radiographics 2000 20: 471-488.

Continuing Education

By Aletta Ann Frazier, Jeffrey R. Galvin, Teri J. Franks, and Melissa L. Rosado-de-Christenson
From the Archives of the AFIP : Pulmonary Vasculature: Hypertension and Infarction

Radiographics 2000 20: 491-524.

Imaging and Therapeutic Technology

By Richard E. Toohey, Michael G. Stabin, and Evelyn E. Watson
The AAPM/RSNA Physics Tutorial for Residents : Internal Radiation Dosimetry: Principles and Applications

Radiographics 2000 20: 533-546.

By Bernd F. Tomandl, Peter Hastreiter, Knut E. W. Eberhardt, Christof Rezk-Salama, Ramin Naraghi, Holger Greess, Urs Nissen, and Walter J. Huk
Virtual Labyrinthoscopy: Visualization of the Inner Ear with Interactive Direct Volume Rendering

Radiographics 2000 20: 547-558.

By Dónal B. Downey, Aaron Fenster, and Jacqueline C. Williams
Clinical Utility of Three-dimensional US

Radiographics 2000 20: 559-571.


By Jean-Chrétien Oberson, Ronald Welz, and Laurent Bovisi
Development of an Electronic Radiologist's Office in a Private Institute

Radiographics 2000 20: 573-580.

By Josep Fernàndez-Bayó, Octavio Barbero, Carles Rubies, Melcior Sentís, and Lluis Donoso
Distributing Medical Images with Internet Technologies: A DICOM Web Server and a DICOM Java Viewer

Radiographics 2000 20: 581-590.


By Richard S. Heilman
Practice Corner-: Optimal Imaging Coverage: Local or from Afar?

Radiographics 2000 20: 306.

Special Communications

By Theresa C. McLoud and Brian C. Lentle
Special Communication : The RSNA Scientific Program: 2000

Radiographics 2000 20: 305.


By Barry Goldberg
Educational Materials Review : Contrast Ultrasound for the Radiologist

Radiographics 2000 20: 489.


Radiographics 2000 20: 490.

Letters to the Editor

By Helen Seymour, Rosalind Given-Wilson, Louise Wilkinson, Julie Cooke, Stephen A. Feig, and H. D. Sarah Rovno
Resolving Breast Microcalcifications

Radiographics 2000 20: 307.



Radiographics 2000 20: 308.

Author Information

Call for Historical Anecdotes

Radiographics 2000 20

Publication Information for Authors

Radiographics 2000 20

Business Information

Radiographics 2000 20

Transfer of Copyright and Certifications Agreement

Radiographics abstracts are available at the Web site of the Radiological Society of North America.
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