Table of Content

Special Communications

By C. Douglas Maynard and Anthony V. Proto
Manuscript Reviewers - A Note of Thanks

Radiology 2000 217: 609-614.

By C. Douglas Maynard, Richard A. Szucs, and Anthony V. Proto
Book Reviewers - A Note of Thanks

Radiology 2000 217: 615.

By C. Douglas Maynard and Anthony V. Proto
Abstractors of Current Literature - A Note of Thanks

Radiology 2000 217: 616.

Research Trainee Prizes from the 2000 RSNA Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting

Radiology 2000 217: 617-618.


By Richard M. Friedenberg
Health Care Rationing: Every Physician's Dilemma

Radiology 2000 217: 626-628.


By Joel E. Gray and Colin G. Orton
Medical Physics: Some Recollections in Diagnostic X-ray Imaging and Therapeutic Radiology

Radiology 2000 217: 619-625.


By Melvyn Korobkin
CT Characterization of Adrenal Masses: The Time Has Come

Radiology 2000 217: 629-632.

State of the Art

By G. Scott Gazelle, S. Nahum Goldberg, Luigi Solbiati, and Tito Livraghi
Tumor Ablation with Radio-frequency Energy

Radiology 2000 217: 633-646.


By Yu Whan Oh, Eric L. Effmann, and J. David Godwin
Pulmonary Infections in Immunocompromised Hosts: The Importance of Correlating the Conventional Radiologic Appearance with the Clinical Setting

Radiology 2000 217: 647-656.

Breast Imaging

By Steven P. Poplack, Anna N. Tosteson, Margaret R. Grove, Wendy A. Wells, and Patricia A. Carney
Mammography in 53,803 Women from the New Hampshire Mammography Network

Radiology 2000 217: 832-840.

By Roka Matsubayashi, Yoshitomo Matsuo, Genichiro Edakuni, Toshimi Satoh, Osamu Tokunaga, and Sho Kudo
Breast Masses with Peripheral Rim Enhancement on Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Images: Correlation of MR Findings with Histologic Features and Expression of Growth Factors

Radiology 2000 217: 841-848.

By Woo Kyung Moon, Jung-Gi Im, Young Hwan Koh, Dong-Young Noh, and In Ae Park
US of Mammographically Detected Clustered Microcalcifications

Radiology 2000 217: 849-854.

Cardiac Imaging

By Kirsi Lauerma, Pekka Niemi, Helena Hänninen, Tuula Janatuinen, Liisa-Marja Voipio-Pulkki, Juhani Knuuti, Lauri Toivonen, Timo Mäkelä, Markku A. Mäkijärvi, and Hannu J. Aronen
Multimodality MR Imaging Assessment of Myocardial Viability: Combination of First-Pass and Late Contrast Enhancement to Wall Motion Dynamics and Comparison with FDG PET-Initial Experience

Radiology 2000 217: 729-736.

Computer Applications

By Arjun Kalyanpur, Vladimir P. Neklesa, Caroline R. Taylor, Aditya R. Daftary, and James A. Brink
Evaluation of JPEG and Wavelet Compression of Body CT Images for Direct Digital Teleradiologic Transmission

Radiology 2000 217: 772-779.

Diagnosis Please

By Charles S. White and Gary D. Plotnick
Case 33

Radiology 2000 217: 737-738.

By Benjamin Z. Koplewitz, Alan Daneman, Scott Fields, Raphael Udassin, and Sigmund H. Ein
Case 29: Gastric Trichobezoar and Subphrenic Abscess

Radiology 2000 217: 739-742.

Emergency Radiology

By Douglas H. Sheafor, Barbara S. Hertzberg, Kelly S. Freed, Barbara A. Carroll, Mary T. Keogan, Erik K. Paulson, David M. DeLong, and Rendon C. Nelson
Nonenhanced Helical CT and US in the Emergency Evaluation of Patients with Renal Colic: Prospective Comparison

Radiology 2000 217: 792-797.

Experimental Studies

By Pottumarthi V. Prasad, James Goldfarb, Chandru Sundaram, Agus Priatna, Wei Li, and Robert R. Edelman
Captopril MR Renography in a Swine Model: Toward a Comprehensive Evaluation of Renal Arterial Stenosis

Radiology 2000 217: 813-818.

By Olivier Hauger, Christophe Delalande, Colette Deminière, Bruno Fouqueray, Céline Ohayon, Stéphane Garcia, Hervé Trillaud, Christian Combe, and Nicolas Grenier
Nephrotoxic Nephritis and Obstructive Nephropathy: Evaluation with MR Imaging Enhanced with Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide-Preliminary Findings in a Rat Model

Radiology 2000 217: 819-826.

By S. Nahum Goldberg, Jonathan B. Kruskal, Brian S. Oliver, Melvin E. Clouse, and G. Scott Gazelle
Percutaneous Tumor Ablation: Increased Coagulation by Combining Radio-frequency Ablation and Ethanol Instillation in a Rat Breast Tumor Model

Radiology 2000 217: 827-831.

Gastrointestinal Imaging

By Mark S. Peterson, Richard L. Baron, J. Wallis Marsh Jr, James H. Oliver III, Sharmen R. Confer, and LaVerne E. Hunt
Pretransplantation Surveillance for Possible Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Cirrhosis: Epidemiology and CT-based Tumor Detection Rate in 430 Cases with Surgical Pathologic Correlation

Radiology 2000 217: 743-749.

By Jeong-Sik Yu, Ki Whang Kim, Mi-Gyoung Jeong, Jong Tae Lee, and Hyung Sik Yoo
Nontumorous Hepatic Arterial-Portal Venous Shunts: MR Imaging Findings

Radiology 2000 217: 750-756.

By Bachir Taouli, Valérie Vilgrain, Marie-Pierre Vullierme, Benoît Terris, Alban Denys, Alain Sauvanet, Pascal Hammel, and Yves Menu
Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Tumors of the Pancreas: Helical CT with Histopathologic Correlation

Radiology 2000 217: 757-764.

By Martina M. Morrin, Richard J. Farrell, Jonathan B. Kruskal, Kevin Reynolds, James B. McGee, and Vassilios Raptopoulos
Utility of Intravenously Administered Contrast Material at CT Colonography

Radiology 2000 217: 765-771.

Genitourinary Imaging

By Constantino S. Peña, Giles W. L. Boland, Peter F. Hahn, Michael J. Lee, and Peter R. Mueller
Characterization of Indeterminate (Lipid-poor) Adrenal Masses: Use of Washout Characteristics at Contrast-enhanced CT

Radiology 2000 217: 798-802.

By Karen Kinkel, Hedvig Hricak, Ying Lu, Kyo Tsuda, and Roy A. Filly
US Characterization of Ovarian Masses: A Meta-Analysis

Radiology 2000 217: 803-811.

Medical Physics

By Gwyneth C. Weatherburn, Stirling Bryan, and J. Glyn Davies
Comparison of Doses for Bedside Examinations of the Chest with Conventional Screen-Film and Computed Radiography: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial

Radiology 2000 217: 707-712.

By Robert T. Andrews and Paul H. Brown
Uterine Arterial Embolization: Factors Influencing Patient Radiation Exposure

Radiology 2000 217: 713-722.

Musculoskeletal Imaging

By Thomas M. Link, Albrecht Lotter, Florian Beyer, Stefan Christiansen, David Newitt, Ying Lu, Christof Schmid, and Sharmila Majumdar
Changes in Calcaneal Trabecular Bone Structure after Heart Transplantation: An MR Imaging Study

Radiology 2000 217: 855-862.

By Axel Stäbler, Ahmed B. Doma, Andrea Baur, Andreas Krüger, and Maximilian F. Reiser
Reactive Bone Marrow Changes in Infectious Spondylitis: Quantitative Assessment with MR Imaging

Radiology 2000 217: 863-868.


By Frederik Barkhof, Aad Verrips, Pieter Wesseling, Marjo S. van der Knaap, Baziel G. M. van Engelen, Fons J. M. Gabreëls, Antoine Keyser, Ron A. Wevers, and Jaap Valk
Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis: The Spectrum of Imaging Findings and the Correlation with Neuropathologic Findings

Radiology 2000 217: 869-876.

By Noam J. Alperin, Sang H. Lee, Francis Loth, Patricia B. Raksin, and Terry Lichtor
MR-Intracranial Pressure (ICP): A Method to Measure Intracranial Elastance and Pressure Noninvasively by Means of MR Imaging: Baboon and Human Study

Radiology 2000 217: 877-885.

By Jari O. Karonen, Yawu Liu, Ritva L. Vanninen, Leif Østergaard, P. L. Kaarina Partanen, Pauli A. Vainio, Esko J. Vanninen, Juho Nuutinen, Reina Roivainen, Seppo Soimakallio, Jyrki T. Kuikka, and Hannu J. Aronen
Combined Perfusion- and Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging in Acute Ischemic Stroke during the 1st Week: A Longitudinal Study

Radiology 2000 217: 886-894.

Pediatric Imaging

By Johannes Spalinger, Heidi Patriquin, Marie-Claude Miron, George Marx, Denise Herzog, Josée Dubois, Marla Dubinsky, and Ernest G. Seidman
Doppler US in Patients with Crohn Disease: Vessel Density in the Diseased Bowel Reflects Disease Activity

Radiology 2000 217: 787-791.

Radiation Oncology

By Suhrid K. Parikh, Dattatreyudu Nori, Adrian Osian, and Prabhakar Tripuraneni
Practical Considerations in Setting Up an Intracoronary Brachytherapy Program: Results of a Multicenter Survey

Radiology 2000 217: 723-728.

Signs in Imaging

By R. Paul Guillerman
The Eye-of-the-Tiger Sign

Radiology 2000 217: 895-896.

Thoracic Imaging

By U. Joseph Schoepf, Roland Bruening, Hita Konschitzky, Christoph R. Becker, Andreas Knez, Juergen Weber, Olaf Muehling, Peter Herzog, Armin Huber, Ralph Haberl, and Maximilian F. Reiser
Pulmonary Embolism: Comprehensive Diagnosis by Using Electron-Beam CT for Detection of Emboli and Assessment of Pulmonary Blood Flow

Radiology 2000 217: 693-700.

By Thomas E. Hartman, Stephen J. Swensen, David M. Hansell, Thomas V. Colby, Jeffrey L. Myers, Henry D. Tazelaar, Andrew G. Nicholson, Athol U. Wells, Jay H. Ryu, David E. Midthun, Roland M. du Bois, and Nestor L. Müller
Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia: Variable Appearance at High-Resolution Chest CT

Radiology 2000 217: 701-705.


By Monzer M. Abu-Yousef and Youssef El-Zein
Improved US Visualization of the Pancreatic Tail with Simethicone, Water, and Patient Rotation

Radiology 2000 217: 780-785.

Vascular and Interventional Radiology

By Stuart G. Silverman, Kemal Tuncali, Douglass F. Adams, Eric vanSonnenberg, Kelly H. Zou, Daniel F. Kacher, Paul R. Morrison, and Ferenc A. Jolesz
MR Imaging-guided Percutaneous Cryotherapy of Liver Tumors: Initial Experience

Radiology 2000 217: 657-664.

By Debra A. Gervais, Francis J. McGovern, Bradford J. Wood, S. Nahum Goldberg, W. Scott McDougal, and Peter R. Mueller
Radio-frequency Ablation of Renal Cell Carcinoma: Early Clinical Experience

Radiology 2000 217: 665-672.

By Claudio M. Pacella, Giancarlo Bizzarri, Rinaldo Guglielmi, Vincenzo Anelli, Antonio Bianchini, Anna Crescenzi, Sara Pacella, and Enrico Papini
Thyroid Tissue: US-guided Percutaneous Interstitial Laser Ablation-A Feasibility Study

Radiology 2000 217: 673-677.

By Klemens H. Barth, Mark R. Gosnell, Aubrey M. Palestrant, Louis G. Martin, Jeffrey B. Siegel, Terence A. S. Matalon, Scott C. Goodwin, Paul A. Neese, Timothy L. Swan, and Renan Uflacker
Hydrodynamic Thrombectomy System versus Pulse-Spray Thrombolysis for Thrombosed Hemodialysis Grafts: A Multicenter Prospective Randomized Comparison

Radiology 2000 217: 678-684.

By Wei-Yu Liao, Ming-Zen Chen, Yih-Leong Chang, Heuy-Dong Wu, Chong-Jen Yu, Ping-Hung Kuo, and Pan-Chyr Yang
US-guided Transthoracic Cutting Biopsy for Peripheral Thoracic Lesions Less than 3 cm in Diameter

Radiology 2000 217: 685-691.

Technical Developments

By Mette R. Wiegell, Henrik B. W. Larsson, and Van J. Wedeen
Fiber Crossing in Human Brain Depicted with Diffusion Tensor MR Imaging

Radiology 2000 217: 897-903.

By Kieran J. Murphy, Shinya Mandai, Philippe Gailloud, Henrik Clint, Kazimierz Szopinski, Helen Quie, Jean-Baptiste Martin, and Daniel A. Rüfenacht
Neurovascular Embolization: In Vitro Evaluation of a Mechanical Detachable Platinum Coil System

Radiology 2000 217: 904-906.

By Noriyuki Tomiyama, Naoki Mihara, Munehiro Maeda, Takeshi Johkoh, Takenori Kozuka, Osamu Honda, Seiki Hamada, Shigeyuki Yoshida, and Hironobu Nakamura
CT-guided Needle Biopsy of Small Pulmonary Nodules: Value of Respiratory Gating

Radiology 2000 217: 907-910.

By Leon Axel, Louis Kolman, Riad Charafeddine, Scott N. Hwang, and Alan H. Stolpen
Origin of a Signal Intensity Loss Artifact in Fat-Saturation MR Imaging

Radiology 2000 217: 911-915.

Letters to the Editor

By Ferdinand Frauscher, Olivier Rouvière, Denis Lyonnet, Pascal Berger, Catherine Pangaud, Albert Gelet, and Xavier Martin
Value of Contrast-enhanced Color Doppler Imaging for Detection of Crossing Vessels in Patients with Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction • Dr Rouvière and colleagues respond

Radiology 2000 217: 916-917.

By Carl L. Kalbhen, Susan M. Ascher, Izumi Imaoka, and Janice M. Lage
Imaging of Tamoxifen-induced Uterine Abnormalities • Dr Ascher and colleagues respond

Radiology 2000 217: 917-918.

By Donald A. Podoloff and Edith M. Marom
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Staging at Whole-Body PET • Dr Marom responds

Radiology 2000 217: 918-919.

By Robert Sheiman, Vivian S. Lee, Barbara S. Hertzberg, Mark A. Kliewer, and Barbara A. Carroll
Arterial Doppler US: Disturbing Conservation of Erroneous Terms • Dr Lee and colleagues respond

Radiology 2000 217: 919-920.

In Memoriam

Paul H. Moore Sr and William R. Ehlert
In Memoriam

Radiology 2000 217: 921.

By Kenneth F. Preimesberger
Radiology 2000 217: 921.

By Richard W. Livesay
Radiology 2000 217: 922.

By Stefan Siefried Winkler
Radiology 2000 217: 922.

Book Reviews
Introduction to Vascular Ultrasonography. 4th ed.

Radiology 2000 217: 692.

Pediatric Gastrointestinal Imaging and Intervention. 2nd ed.

Radiology 2000 217: 786.

Clinical Positron Emission Tomography (PET): Correlation with Morphological Cross-Sectional Imaging

Radiology 2000 217: 812.


Radiology 2000 217: 920.

Abstracts of Current Literature

Radiology 2000 217: 923-924.

Author Information
Publication Information for Authors

Radiology 2000 217

Manuscript Categorization Terms

Radiology 2000 217

Business Information

Radiology 2000 217

Transfer of Copyright and Certifications Agreement

Radiology 2000 217

abstracts are available at the Web site of the Radiological Society of North America.
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