Imaging Center Insider

Dear Imaging Center Insider,

Radiology in the U.S. is set for a sea change in the coming months; preparing and adapting may ensure that groups can weather the storm, while denial and avoidance will most certainly endanger a practice.

Reimbursement cuts for diagnostic imaging, from both the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), are imminent. Private payor reimbursement, closely tied to CMS data, will surely be trailing close behind.

For managers and administrators of imaging practices, it is imperative that all systems be functioning at top efficiency in the new era of reduced imaging revenues. One system, in particular, will need to be performing with maximum effectiveness -- the billing system.

Patricia Kroken, a principal in Albuquerque, NM-based radiology business consulting firm Healthcare Resource Providers, outlined several steps managers can take to tune and maintain a high-performance billing department at the recent Radiology Business Management Association (RBMA) fall educational conference in Phoenix.

She explained the importance of trending and variances in areas such as exam volume and charge entry, payments and collections, accounts receivable and staffing ratios, and process analysis.

To learn more about the steps your imaging practice can take to create and sustain a top-level billing group -- as well as benchmarks against which its performance can be measured -- click here. As an Imaging Center Insider, you have access to the article days before the rest of our members.

Finally, if you have a comment or report to share about any aspect of imaging practice, management, administration, regulation, or financing, please contact me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.

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